Monday, March 3, 2014

21st Century's Future Professional Chef: Jasmine Bowles

21st Century will one day be the alma mater of a professional, maybe even celebrity chef! Jasmine Bowles is a senior at 21st Century Charter School at Gary.  Jasmine arrived at 21st Century at a freshmen in high school after her grandmother disapproved of the environment of her previous school, as well as Jasmine’s grades.
When Jasmine arrived at 21C, she was pushed hard.  Never before had she been pushed to maintain A and B grades in classes.  Never before had she received so much attention from teachers to maintain good grades and positive behavior.  Her previous grades had been D’s and F’s, and she had gone without notice by her teachers.  Now, she attends tutoring hour from 3-4pm Monday through Thursday every week where she is required to work on homework or get help—chatting and hanging out is not allowed. Jasmine has homework every day, so keeping busy during tutoring hour is not difficult at all.
Part of what keeps Jasmine busy are the AP papers she’s been learning to write, or the college essays that she’s been practicing.  In her spare time, she does track and volunteers at the Sojourner Truth Women’s center. She’s also a part of the dance team at 21C.

Part of her future dream is to become a professional chef and open up a non-profit organization to help feed people who are homeless. She’s currently looking into culinary school programs, including at the Art Institute of Indianapolis and Chicago.