Wednesday, August 1, 2012

21CC Vision and Mission Statement

Vision Statement
The 21st Century Charter School believes that all children should have access to a quality education, in a nurturing environment that includes college.

Mission Statement
The 21st Century Charter School will make “no excuses” for its student population and will dedicate itself to ensure that all students show growth in character, academics, life skills, the arts, and wellness using teaching skills tailored to meet the needs of each student.

ü  Expose all students to college level courses and curriculum.

ü  Teach all students a rigorous, differentiated curriculum, which allows mastery of the IN Common Core Standards.

ü  Analyze and share data with stakeholders to ensure students reach their fullest potential.

ü  Maintain high academic and behavioral expectations school wide.

ü  Work with the community to provide activities and experiences that reflect a positive family environment.

Belief Statements
Ø  We believe students excel in an environment in which they are valued and challenged.

Ø  We believe student learning is the chief priority for the school and should be the primary focus of all decisions impacting the work of the school.

Ø  We believe students learn best when they are actively engaged, involved, and vested in their learning process.

Ø  We believe an individual’s worth is separate from his/her academic performance.

Ø  We believe parents are the primary educators of our children. Their involvement is essential to effective education.

Ø  We believe our teachers are committed to our students.

Ø  We believe learning should take place in an environment of mutual respect, with trust, caring, and nurturing pervasive throughout the educational system.

Ø  We believe in a safe and orderly environment that ensures an atmosphere that promotes teaching and learning.

Ø  We believe that modeling and reinforcing basic values such as honesty, integrity, courage, respect, responsibility and empathy are an integral part of education.

Ø  We believe students, teachers, administrators, the Board, parents, and community members working together as a team to build a strong foundation for learning share the responsibility for a successful education.

Ø  We believe all students have the right to an education, but not the right to interfere with the education of others.

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