Monday, November 19, 2012

Digestive System Project!

The 5th grade class is studying the human system and their functions. This week's lesson was the digestive system. They studied how food enters the mouth, travels to the stomach by way of the esophagus, before entering the stomach. They also learned that in the stomach, food is broken down into a soupy paste before it is ready to leave our body. The stomach squeezes the paste into the small intestines. They learned that the liver and pancreas send chemicals to the small intestines to assist in the digestion of food. When digestion is complete the particles of digested food move into the blood vessels through the walls of the small intestines while food that cannot be digested passes through our large intestines as it leaves our body. They used poster board to make a stencil of a torso. Different color yarn was used to create the organs in the digestive system.

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